Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

CBT is an active, skill-based treatment that helps identify and change problematic patterns of thought and behavior that lead to emotional distress so that you can respond to challenging situations in a more effective way.  I will offer specific strategies related to your unique set of difficulties to help you make positive changes and reach your goals.  We will work together to create between-session exercises for you to practice CBT skills so that you become more confident in applying these strategies in your day-to-day life.  Decades of scientific studies show that CBT is a highly effective treatment for emotional and behavioral difficulties, such as anxiety and depression.

Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP)

Exposure and response prevention (ERP) is a specific type of CBT specifically designed for people who struggle with obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD).  There are two components to this therapy program.  The first is the exposure component, which refers to gradually confronting thoughts, images, or situations that make you anxious or trigger your obsessions. The second component refers to making an intentional choice to let obsessive thoughts occur without engaging in the corresponding compulsion or ritual. In this program, you would also learn to live with the uncertainty associated with obsessions.  I address many forms of OCD, including “pure O”.  To learn more about ERP, please go here

Trauma Focused Treatments

Prolonged Exposure (PE) and Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) are therapeutic interventions I use for PTSD and trauma. These treatments range from helping people face what they have been avoiding following a traumatic experience, to changing upsetting thoughts and feelings they developed since the trauma.  You can learn more these types of therapies here.  People who have experienced trauma can find it difficult to express their feelings or stand up for themselves.  In these situations, we may also incorporate emotion regulation skills, communication skills and/or assertiveness skills training.

Mindfulness and Acceptance-based Approaches

Mindfulness is a state of being fully in the present moment. Mindfulness helps build awareness of thoughts, emotions, sensations and experiences without judgement.  The ability of take an observational and non-judgement approach helps to adopt a more objective and curious perspective, which reduces intense emotions and distress. 

Together, we would evaluate whether painful situations can be changed.  Acceptance-based approaches are particularly helpful in situations that cannot be change but cause us pain.